Bentuk Nominal
Subject + Should / Would + be + Complement
Yes-No Question
Should / Would + Subject + be + Complement
Bentuk Verbal
POSITIVE ct + Should / Would + Verb 1 + Object + Adverb
Yes-No Question
Should / Would + Subject + Verb 1 + Object / Adverb
Penggunaan Past Future Tense
*Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadi atau dilakukan dimasa lampau, tetapi perbuatan itu tidak jadi dilakukan karena sebab tertentu.
I would call you at the time but I forgot your phone number.
I would call you at the time but I forgot your phone number.
*Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadi atau dilakukan secara berulang-ulang atau sudahy menjadi kebiasaan dimasa lampau.
Whan I was child, my grandfather would tell me a war story before I went to bed.
Whan I was child, my grandfather would tell me a war story before I went to bed.
*Digunakan dalam kalimat tidak lansung (Indirect Speech) untuk mengganti kalimat langsung (Direct Speech) yang berbentuk Present Future Tense.
Direct Speech:
Direct Speech:
She asked me: “Will you come here next week?”
He told her: “Your friend will return my camera tomorrow.”
He told her: “Your friend will return my camera tomorrow.”
Indirect Speech:
She asked me whether I would come there the following week.
He told her that her friend would return his camera the following day.
He told her that her friend would return his camera the following day.
*Digunakan untuk menyatakan request, Invitation, offer, asking for information, asking for permission, penggunaan would disini lebih halus dari pada will.
Request (Permohonan)
“Would you turn off the radio, please? I am studying.”
Request (Permohonan)
“Would you turn off the radio, please? I am studying.”
Invitation (Undangan)
Would you come to my birthday party next Saturday afternoon?
Would you come to my birthday party next Saturday afternoon?
Offer (Tawaran/Ajakan)
Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Asking For Information (Meminta Informasi)
I would like some information about the computer courses in this course, please?
I would like some information about the computer courses in this course, please?
Asking For Permission (Meminta Ijin)
I would like to try this shirt on, please?
I would like to try this shirt on, please?
Penggunaan Should
*Should digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu hal yang seharusnya dilakukan atau tidak seharusnya dilakukan. Un tuk tujuan ini sering kali digunakan kata kerja think.
-You should not go to school if you are still sick.
-You should not go to school if you are still sick.
*Dalam bentuk pertanyaan should bias digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu offer (tawaran)
-Should I turn down the radio?
-Should we pick you up tomorrow afternoon?
-Should I turn down the radio?
-Should we pick you up tomorrow afternoon?
*Should bias digunakan dalam If Clause (yang mestinya berbentuk Simple Present Tense) dalam Conditional Sentence (Kalimat Pengadaian) tipe 1. Penggunaan ini dipakai apabila pembicara merasa kurang yakin akan terjadinya peristiwa itu.
-If you should see Bill tomorrow, will you tell him to call me?
-We won’t go there if it should rain tonight
-If you should see Bill tomorrow, will you tell him to call me?
-We won’t go there if it should rain tonight
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