Senin, 14 November 2011

Free English Grammar | Gerund


Gerund is a verb that is in use or fuction as a noun. Or it can also be said that the gerund is a verb verbal noun.
           Gerund is also a noun derived from verb and is formed by adding the suffix-ing in the infinitive of the verb. Gerund form of the same verb form changes ongoing at the time.
The form of the gerund is : 


here are some use of gerunds:
1. Like other nouns, gerunds can be preceded by articles, pronouns bookmark, prepositions, or pronouns ownership.
a). The building of this house took four months
b). He Kept all his savings in an old sick

2. Gerund is often used after a verb, which states "start" or "end".
a). The budding star and blooming plants
b). Stop digging

3. Used after prepositions (on, of, in, or to)
a). We are keen on gardening
b). She succeeded in leaving

4. A gerund has the properties noun of the verb.
a). Smoking is a health hazard

5. As a general form of verbs, gerunds also has its own complement.
a). Direct object
      Example: My son love driving the car
b). Complementary accompanying
 Example: We enjoyed showing our garden Them

If described the sentence "I like swimming" it will be split into parts as follows:
I = Subject
Like = Predicate
Swimming = direct object

Form-ing (swimming) is derived from the verb swim. In the sentence, there is a direct object complement is also accompanying the consist of a pronoun or noun. Because swimming is not a personal pronoun, so the word is a noun.

6. Gerund used to be another form of the verb with an adverb.
a). Driving carefully is a necessity on these busy roads.

Because the gerund is used as a noun, the gerund in the sentence can be used :

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